Your Content is King

Why Join?

We’re Building the Content Ecosystem of Tomorrow to Empower the Creators of Today.

Change the Money Change the World!

"The global entertainment and media market is expected to reach approximately $6.7 trillion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 10.40% during the forcasted period". According to the Industry Research Co.

Want to Learn How to Become Part of the DiviUp Founders Association?

  • Protect your content from piracy and censorship
  • Get paid more on content you no longer earn income on
  • Earn tenfold your current CPM
  • Own your distribution built on the power of Bitcoin

DiviUp Founders Association is promoting and building a groundbreaking user- owned decentralized video streaming ecosystem built on the power Bitcoin enabled by DiviUp’s IP, future monetary community proceeds, and a member governance structure. DiviUp’s three step process: Phase 1 (MVP) Aggregate Content, Creators Phase 2 Collaborate and Create New Content; and Phase 3 become a User-Owned Decentralized Distribution Ecosystem.

We are inviting artists, influencers, brands and fans to join the Founding Members Association in creating a user owned interactive decentralized platform and network built for and ultimately governed by the members.

The Founding Members Association

  • Will aggregate the best-in class content as voted on by a global fan-base
  • Development of new content, training and  collaboration tools for the DiviUp Digital Asset Foundation
  • A decentralized platform that will be established for the members and governed by members
  • Leverage your content and social media influences into a user-owned streaming network

Fans and Influencers are Incentivized to Find YouTube Channel Owners

  • 1st 10,000 Influencers to get a Creator having 500,000 or more subscribers to Join DiviUp receive 250,000 Points

  • 1st 20,000 Fans to get a Creator having 100,000 or more subscribers to Join DiviUp  receive 100,000 Points

  • 1st 20,000 Fans to get a Creator having 50,000 or more subscribers to Join DiviUp receive 50,000 Points

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